Monday, March 9, 2015

Quickly get openstack up and running

I just wanted to get openstack up and running to test it out.  Devstack is the quickest way to get this going.  Here's how I did it.

macbook pro osx 10.10.2

  1. Get boot2docker
    1. brew install boo2docker
  2. Configure and run boot2docker (Allocate at least 3GB ram)
    1. boot2docker init -m 4096
    2. boot2docker up
    3. boot2docker ssh
  3. Get an ubuntu trust image
    1. docker pull debian:jessie
  4. Run it with the proper specs
    1. docker run -it -p 8000:80 -p 8443:443 --privileged --publish-all=true --name devstack debian:jessie /bin/bash
  5. Get the prerequisites for devstack
    1. apt-get update && apt-get -y install python net-tools bsdmainutils git build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev sudo vim apt-utils
    2. yum update && yum install python git sudo iproute hostname
  6. Edit the policy-rc.d file or else we'll have issues with rabbitmq
    1. perl -pi -w -e 's/101/0/g;' /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d 
  7. Make a folder to put your devstack clone in and close it
    1. mkdir github
    2. cd github
    3. git clone
  8. Run devstack
    1. devstack/tools/
    2. chown -R stack:stack /github/*
    3. su stack
    4. /devstack/
  9. As a temporary fix until nova can be fixed as of 03/10/2015
    1. It will fail the first time, this is ok. It will complain about sslv3 because pyopenssl does not support sslv3 while nova still does
    2. cd /opt/stack/nova
    3. wget
    4. git apply removed-reference-to-sslv3-removed-from-debian.patch\?id\=04d5dcd9e70c6caf0df7b10396285549a0e56e99 
    5. cd /github/devstack 
    6. ./
    7. ./

If you happen to encounter an error and need to restart, do the following:
  1. ./
  2. ./
Then restart the process again with ./

  • cgroups is broken in ubuntu trusty.
  • tgt init script is broken in debian wheezy

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